美國新澤西州薩塞克斯郡福蘭克林自治市〈Franklin is a Borough in Sussex County, New Jersey, United States. As of the United States 2000 Census, the borough population was 5,160.〉,發現超過150種以上的礦物,而其中大部分是螢光礦物即超過100多種,而其中25種是特殊礦物世界其他地方所沒有,因此我們將 Franklin, New Jersey 稱為螢光礦物之王國。事實上我們先前介紹的螢光礦物已經有不少是 Franklin, New Jersey 所生產,今天我們介紹的是其中的兩件經典標本:

〈一〉下圖是個螢光礦物的集合體,包含的螢光礦物有鋅黃長石Hardystonite,透閃石Diopside,斜晶石Clinohedrite,矽鋅礦Willemite,方解石 Calcite,鋅鐵尖晶石Franklinite 等。其中Franklinite 就是以福蘭克林命名的礦物,以下則是英文説明:

Hardystonite fluorescent mineral from Franklin, NJ. Hand-sized specimen of tan platey diopside, with hardystonite, clinohedrite, willemite, minor calcite, and franklinite. Fluorescent violet blue, green, orange, and a tiny bit of red in short wave UV light. The largest side of this rock is a fresh surface with a riot of mixed colors! Three sides of the rock are weathered.

Cabinet specimen, measures 3 1/4 inches x 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 inches, and weighs 1 pound 6 ounces.

〈二〉這也是個螢光礦物的集合體,包含閃鋅礦 Sphalerite,矽鋅礦 Willemite , 鋅鐵尖晶石Franklinite ,方解石 Calcite ,水碳鋅礦 Hydrozincite 等。以下是英文說明:

Sphalerite fluorescent mineral, Franklin NJ. Hand-sized specimen of beautiful gray sphalerite veins, with willemite and franklinite in a calcite matrix. There is also minor hydrozincite. Fluoresces green, orange, red and blue in short wave UV; orange, blue and purple in long wave UV light, with great long-lasting phosphorescence.

Cabinet specimen, measures 4 1/2 inches x 4 1/4 inches x 4 inches, and weighs 3 pounds 10 ounces






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