


  美國密西根州一家重要博物館〈A.E.  Seaman  Mineral  Museum可能是為了籌措經費,將部分標本拿出來賣,並委託 eBay 人氣很旺的礦物公司拍賣,其中一件重要的標本名為『Native Gold  in  Fossillized Sequoia  Wood』在大杉木化石中的自然金。我們上回採購日本的菱錳礦也是向這家公司購買,同樣等級的標本給這家公司拍通常可以賣到2倍價格,但是這件『Native Gold  in  Fossillized Sequoia  Wood我們卻只花約US$800標到〈只有日本菱錳礦的2倍〉,會如此意外的低價,余以為這是屬於高學術價值的標本,〈1〉上架廣告時間只有七日太短應延長至28日,讓更多人知道。〈2〉賣家人氣超旺,卻也太自信,將此標本列在 Display Spicemens 區拍賣,如果改列到 Precious Matels 區拍賣,那裡內行人較多。若如此恐怕要超過US$2000甚至3000以上才能買到。〈本次拍賣一件不到3cm 的脆銀礦 Stephanite Ag5SbS4  晶體竟賣到US$506,就連一件1.8*1.5*1cm 金子不多 的小小 Gold in Quartz 都標到US$105。〉


A rare and unusual example of native gold in fossilized Sequoia wood from Alask!!! This specien consists of a cut slab of fossilized Sequoia wood that hosts a surprising group of small native gold inclusions!!! This specimen has a striking, aesthetic design of concentric bands of alternating patches of white and black!!! The contrast and sharpness of the black and white is quite dramatic and showy in person!!! Around one of the small white areas are a group of native gold inclusions that almost envelope it!!! In person, it is much easier to see the gold flash of these inclusions (I tried to take a few close ups with water on the specimen so that close detail could be seen without glare)!!! If the specimen were polished further the coloration and the native gold would be seen much more dramatically by the camera - however the specimen is much better appreciated in person!!! This specimen retains an affixed catalogue number from the A.E. Seaman Museum in addition to a handwritten label!!! A very rare and unusual example of native gold indeed!!! The pics hardly do it jusice!!! Good luck and be sure to check out my other exciting mineral auctions on ebay!!!



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