






* fine colorless crystals with fine little pyrite crystals *
* nice fluorescence *
* nice specimen from famous locality *

size: 55 X 44 X 40mm
weight: 118g

origin: Příbram - Uranium Deposit, CZECH REPUBLIC

, which gets its name from "chalix" the Greek word for lime, is a most amazing and yet, most common mineral. It is one of the most common minerals on the face of the Earth, comprising about 4% by weight of the Earth's crust and is formed in many different geological environments. Calcite can form rocks of considerable mass and constitutes a significant part of all three major rock classification types. It forms oolitic, fossiliferous and massive limestones in sedimentary environments and even serves as the cements for many sandstones and shales. Limestone becomes marble from the heat and pressure of metamorphic events. Calcite is even a major component in the igneous rock called carbonatite and forms the major portion of many hydrothermal veins. Some of these rock types are composed of better than 99% calcite. Why would a collector be interested in such a common mineral? Because of its extraordinary diversity and beauty!

With calcite so abundant and so widely distributed it is no wonder that it can be so varied. The crystals of calcite can form literally a thousand different shapes by combining the basic forms of the positive rhombohedron, negative rhombohedron, steeply, moderately and slightly inclined rhombohedrons, various scalahedrons, prism and pinacoid to name a few of the more common forms. There are more than 300 crystal forms identified in calcite and these forms can combine to produce the thousand different crystal variations. Calcite also produces many twin varieties that are favorites among twin collectors. There are also phantoms, included crystals, color varieties, pseudomorphs and unique associations. There simply is no end to the varieties of calcite.


  上述原文說明方解石成份為碳酸鈣 CaCO3 含量佔地殼的大約4%,雖次於長石與水晶家族,但其多變性卻所向披靡,使得她有一千多種名稱及300多種結晶形狀,被稱之為沒有盡頭的品種。





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