乘著黃金熱,來買螢光礦物變成好時機,價位只有高價熱賣時的1/2,螢光礦物很像童話故事中的灰姑娘,不打紫外光〈妝扮〉實在不會引人注意,相片亦只能呈現部分美,最好是親自看,今天介紹的第一、二 件還不算稀少,第四件屬於稀少,也是我們要介紹之夜明珠的假設3。

〈一〉鈣鈉柱石 Wernerite Na2Ca2Al5Si7O24Cl ,產地加拿大,先前我們已經介紹過是中柱石的變種,這次科博展示的螢光礦物也有兩件大的;下面則是二見中及中大型標本,其一網友喜歡的話可以與我們交流。黃色螢光的美要現場看。

              標本一 尺寸 9*5.5*4

            標本二  尺寸 5*3*2.5


Nice specimen of  rare Wernerite mineral with coating of Tremolite on Diopside mineral from Grenville, Quebec, Canada. Wernerite is a variety of Scapolite. These minerals reacts at UV light (SW and LW).
The Wernerite mineral reacts at(SW) in light yellow color.
This Tremolite coating mineral reacts at(SW) in blue color.

The blue color on picture is not reflection.

At (LW) this Wernerite reacts in bright yellow color.
This Tremolite coating mineral reacts in brown color.
This Diopside mineral is not fluorescent.

This specimen retains medium phosphorescence for a short duration.
Good specimen for thematic, phosphorescence and fluorescent collection.
Specimen size:    1  1/4  x   2   inches,    1   inch thick.

Texte from Jacques Poulin:

Specimens of Scapolite (Wernerite) from the Grenville area, Quebec, Canada

On some specimens of Scapolite (Wernerite) from this locality, under SW only, there is another mineral that is fluorescent blue. Mineral collectors have long considered the mineral causing this blue fluorescence to be Diopside.  

Under the microscope it is clear that the Diopside crystals are not fluorescent and that it is another mineral on the Diopside that is fluorescent blue.

The mineral fluorescent blue was examined with X-Rays and with EDS, and both methods indicated that the mineral fluorescent blue under SW was Tremolite.

〈二〉粒矽鎂石 Chondrodite  (Mg,Fe)5(SiO4)2(F,OH)2:


Nice slice of rare Chondrodite (Humite), Calcite and Aragonite minerals from Long Lake Zinc mine, near Parham, Ontario, Canada. This old mine is closed now.   These minerals react at UV light (SW).
This Chondrodite mineral react in yellow color.
This Calcite mineral reacts in red color.
This Aragonite mineral reacts in blue white small spots.
Some of the rock from this site contains Phlogopite, yellow color at (SW). The second picture is other side of the specimen.
Good specimen for thematic and fluorescent mineral collection.
Specimen size:    1  3/8   x   2  3/8  inches,   1/2  inch thick.

Text from Jaques Poulin:

Chondrodite vs Humite at the Long Lake Zinc Mine in Parham, Ontario, Canada
Because these 2 minerals are closely related, some have indicated that there is Chondrodite at this locality, others that there is Humite and still others that both minerals can be found.
We now consider that of these 2 minerals, only Chondrodite is present at the Long Lake Zinc Mine as no evidence was found to support the presence of Humite.

1. An extensive search of documents on the mineralogy of Ontario has indicated that Chondrodite has been found at this locality, Humite is never mentioned.

2. The Canadian Museum of Nature has recently performed the analysis of 2 very different mineral samples, and both samples were identified as Chondrodite.

〈三〉氟矽鈣鈉石Agrellite 、釷鈾石 Thorite 與鈉長石 Albite:


Nice specimen of rare Agrellite, Albite and Eudialyte  minerals with coating of rare Thorite mineral  from Kipawa Complex, Sheffield Lake, Villedieu Township, Temiscaminque, Quebec, Canada. Found in September 2008.  These minerals react at UV light (SW).
This Agrellite mineral reacts in pale peach pink color.
This Albite mineral reacts in cherry red color.
This coating of Thorite mineral reacts in fluo green color.
The Eudialite mineral is not fluorescent.
Good specimen for association of minerals or fluorescent mineral collection.
Specimen size:     1  1/4   x   1  1/2   inch,     1   inch  thick.

在此綠色螢光的是釷鈾礦 Thorite  (Th,U)SiO4,是原生的放射線礦物。釷的放射線較弱,鈾比較強,其所放出的 α-射線打在螢光礦物上放出螢光可能被人看見,形成名副其實的夜明珠,理論上是可以,但目前仍未找到配合如此好的標本,如果被發現,則是與第四件標本接近。


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