Pen-Shan Ore Body, Chinkuahshih Mine, Jui-Fang Town,
Taipei Co., Taiwan Province, Taiwan
11.6cm x 8.3cm x 5.8cm
Ex. Abe Rosenzeig
Ex. Dick Hauck
Ex. Eugene E. Sensel Collection (acquired 10/1975)
A fantastic example of luzonite from the premier locality for this rare species in Taiwan!!! These old Taiwan luzonites are highly prized and are virtually impossible to obtain on today's market!!! This specimen consists of a showy cluster of sharp, complex crystals of pyrite (a striking specimen in and of itself!) that hosts numerous complex crystals of luzonite after enargite, as well as a few scattered crystals of enargite as well!!! Upon close inspection, one can see that these pseudomorphic crystals are actually made up of numerous tiny luzonite crystals!!! The pics simply do not capture just how showy and impressive this specimen is in person!!! This is a valuable specimen and retains old labels from Abe Rosenzeig and Eugene Sensel (with Hauck notation)!!! It should be noted that Abe Rosenzeig handled the finest examples of this material!!! Don't miss out on this rare opportunity!!! The pics hardly do it justice!!! Must be seen in person to be fully appreciated!!!
今年度這是第二次見到臺灣礦物在 ebay 國際網路市場亮麗登場,上一次時間是前幾個月,標售一件金瓜石的硫砷銅礦,晶體普通,以近US$100 成交;這件可就不同,十多公分巨大的博物館級標本,是由最權威的礦物網拍公司負責銷售。我雖然也加了價錢,目前第十四標,但是希望國際友人能夠標到。
文中使用 Luzonite after Enargite 係專業的用法,表示原本是 Enargite 硫砷銅礦後來變成 Luzonite 呂宋銅礦,兩者組成均為Cu3AsS4 ,但如果形成溫度高的時候以硫砷銅礦〈長方Orthorhombic晶系〉呈現 ,溫度低的時後則自然轉變成呂宋銅礦〈四方Tetragonal晶系〉;也就是說許可朋友收集的硫砷銅礦晶體,外形是硫砷銅礦,習慣上也叫硫砷銅礦,其實內部結構已經是呂宋銅礦了。