在撰寫『淺說南非Witwatersrand 太古金礦』一 文時,面對的困難就是沒有Witwatersrand 太古金礦的經典標本,今年4月1日一次金礦的拍賣會出現了這項標本,尷尬的是礦物公司在德國,而德國此刻正遭受冠狀病毒肺炎肆虐,敝小館很不容易得標之後,終於在7月1日收到標本。
Gold With Uraninite
Witwatersrand, Gauteng Province, South Africa
4 × 6.5 × 0.9 cm 25.00gr
An interesting and super rare specimen from the Witwatersrand gold mining area. It hosts a veinlet of black uraninite, and countless gold flakes frozen in- and outside the uraninite.
This is a spectacular sample of precambrian high-grade gold ore. The rock is from the Carbon Leader (also known as the Carbon Leader Reef & Carbon Leader Seam), a blackened, hydrocarbon-rich stromatolitic interval richly impregnated with native gold (Au) and radioactive uraninite/pitchblende (UO2). It is a paleoplacer deposit, part of an ancient alluvial fan succession.
Stratigraphy & Age: Carbon Leader Member, Main Conglomerate, lower Johannesburg Subgroup, lower Central Rand Group, Witwatersrand Supergroup, lower Neoarchean, ~2.9 billion years old (cit. jsjgeology).
Slightly radioactive due to content of U, Th and/or rare earth elements (appr. 8.0 micro Sv/h within spitting distance).
From an old gold collection which was built up in the 70's, 80's and early 90's.