一次金礦拍賣會出現四十多件標本,其中有十餘件是我的小博物館沒有的產地,然而也不是每個都要跟其他競標者搶,Gold in Quartz許多地方長得很像就不急著買,這是一件產在泰國的骨董自然金標本,母岩是淡綠色的綠簾石,先搶下來再說。
Siam is an old name used until 1939 for a country more or less in the borders of todays Thailand. This is a rare historic sample consisting of green epidote (rather then idocrase) and minor quartz hosting a clearly visible gold speck of 2 mm size.
From old Dr. Krantz stock; very probably from Isaac Walker because of the handwriting and the typical small size of the label - thus dated to first half of 19th century.
The Phichit province features several gold mines, epidote is also described and is a good candidate for a more accurate locality.
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